Dinosaur Games Online

Legendary Dinosaur Game

Legend has it that deep in the heart of the Congo in Africa there lives a sauropod dinosaur called Mokele Mbembe. Whilst many expeditions have sought to find it around Lake Tele in the Congo basin, they have failed, although locals swear to its existence and have provided ambiguous photographic evidence. They claim its a plant eating herbivore around the size of an elephant at around 20 feet long and brown in colour. Whether the Mokele Mbembe exists in real life or not, it certainly does in this stunning Mokele Mbembe game in which you have to tackle the mythical dinosaur without being killed.

After you play this legendary Mokele Mbembe dinosaur game, why not check out and play our other dinosaur games?


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Legendary Dinosaur Game

Play our free online dinosaur war game and jin a group of investigators on a journey deep into the heart of the African Congo in search of a legendary sauropod dinosaur

Tags: Legendary Dinosaur Game, Free Legendary Dinosaur Game, Online Legendary Dinosaur Game, Play, Legendary African Dinosaur Game, Legendary Sauropod Dinosaur Game
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