Dinosaur Games Online

Raptor Dinosaur Game

This raptor dinosaur game is definitely one for the kids as you are some form of alien dude in an armoured suit that is riding a prehistoric raptor across the landscape for money. Of course we can't rule out that aliens did actually visit the Earth for sport tens of millions of years ago and, indeed, that's how the dinosaurs may have become extinct rather than being wiped out in a mass extinction following an asteroid hitting the planet. Unlikely yes, but nevertheless a remote possibility. Well okay, probably not! As you progress through this game you can upgrade your raptor with extra abilities such as being able to fly. Enjoy! After you play this prehistoric raptor dinosaur game why not check out and play some of our other dinosaur games?


Raptor Dinosaur Game

Raptor Dinosaur Game

Play our free online raptor dinosaur game for kids, Crazy Raptor Rider, and ride your raptor over a prehistoric landscape

Tags: Raptor Dinosaur Game, Play Raptor Dinosaur Game, Free Raptor Dinosaur Game, Online Raptor Dinosaur Game, Prehisroric Raptor Dinosaur Game, Raptor Dinosaur Game for Kids
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